Some players avoid the net for fear of getting passed or they just lack confidence in their volleys. We’ll deal with fear of failure later, for now lets work on your volley.
The key to the volley is making the stroke compact.
- keep your racket up and in a ready position, pointed straight ahead slightly above waist height, racket head higher than handle (this is very important)
- split step(bounce lightly on the balls of both feet with body facing forward) as your opponent hits the ball
- turn your shoulders as you read the incoming ball, keeping your racket within your shoulders
- step diagonally/forward in the direction of the incoming ball with the opposite foot (example..ball is coming toward your left side, step that way with your right foot)
- punch the ball by using a short forward swing(with little or no back swing) with a firm grip and wrist
- let you body’s forward momentum provide the power
- volley the ball away (choices-between opponents, at net man’s feet, or angled away from both opponents)
Instructions are great but nothing beats video to show you how to do it right.