How to volley bodyshots
Have you ever had a shot hit right at your body when you were at the net? They are tough to handle.
The best way to hit a reflex volley on a ball hit right at your body is with a backhand grip. With a backhand you can hit balls from your chest to your right hip (for righties), and, of course, anything to your left. In contrast, the forehand volley has a much more limited range and can only handle shots on your right side.
Remember, we are talking about a reflex volley, one where you don’t have much time to react. To execute the backhand reflex volley:
- Make sure you always have your racket up in the ready position (chest high and pointed in front of you).
- Raise your elbow so that you can move the racket face in front of your body to block the ball.
Check out our previous tip, Punch the volley, for pointers for when you do have time on the volley.
The reflex backhand volley can keep you in the point, and possibly save you a bruise or two. Remember to keep that racket up and in front of you to give yourself more time on the volleys.