Where do you go after the lob?
Last week we discussed how to hit an effective lob. Now we learn what to do after you lob.
Scenario 1: Your lob is a good one, that is, you see your opponent’s back as he runs it down to hit a defensive shot.
Advance to the service line or a little closer. This way you can…1. move forward and put away a volley off of a short ball, or 2. move back and hit an overhead off of their defensive lob.
Scenario 2: Your lob is good but they get in position to hit an overhead from the baseline or behind.
Advance all the way to the net. If you stay around the service line the overhead is, most likely going to be at your feet. By advancing to the net you are prepared to put away a volley. The fact that the overhead is coming from the baseline gives you time to react.
Scenario 3: Your lob is not so good and your opponent prepares to hit an overhead from mid-court.
Run!! Actually, if you have time, backpedal to the baseline and split-step as your opponent hits the ball. The split-step is important because it allows you to move right or left so you have a chance to get the ball back.
Merry Christmas! Hope you get all the tennis gear, clothing and accessories you wish for!